Here are some common String Methods or Attributes that you can use in modifying strings. Assuming x is the string: a. x.upper() – converts to upper case > x = ‘Free Linux Tutorials’ >>> x.upper() ‘FREE LINUX TUTORIALS’ >>> print(x) Free Linux Tutorials >>> y = x.upper() >>> print (y) FREE LINUX TUTORIALS b….
Category: Data Types
Python>>String Concatenation
String concatenation is simply adding strings together. Here are sample String Concatenation: Sample1: >> a = ‘Free’ >>> b = ‘Linux’ >>> c = ‘Tutorials’ >>> a + b + c ‘FreeLinuxTutorials’ >>> d = a + b + c >>> print (d) FreeLinuxTutorials >>> Sample2: >>> a = ‘Welcome’ >>> b = ‘to my’…
Python>>Strings: Indexing and Slicing
I will be showing more examples of indexing and slicing as a form of my practice to familiarize this. From the previous lesson/posts, the syntax for slicing as follows: string[start : end : step] Example1: (Indexing and Slicing in Strings) W r i t e C o d e O n l i n e…
Python>>Data Type:Strings
Strings are text type and are sequences of character data. It is represented by quotation marks, either single or double quotes. Example: “Hello” ‘What is your name?’ >>> “Hello” ‘Hello’ >>> x = ‘What is your name?’ >>> print (x) What is your name? >>> Some key notes: 1.Escape sequences in strings = use backslash…
Python>>Data Type:Float
Floating point number is real numbers with decimal point (.)or fractional part. It can be positive or negative. Example: 5678.90 -2.88 0.99 >>> z = -1.234 >>> type(z) <class ‘float’> Let’s do arithmetic: >>> x = 8+8.1 >>> print (x) 16.1 >>> print (type(x)) <class ‘float’> Some key notes: 1. numbers separated with underscore can…
Python>>Data Type:Integer
Integers or Int are whole numbers without the decimal point or fractional part. It can be positive or negative or zero.It can be binary, octal or hexadecimal values. Let’s do mathematical calculation: Arithmetic operators: addition = + subtraction = – multiplication = * division = / modulus = % exponent = ** floor division…