Floating point number is real numbers with decimal point (.)or fractional part. It can be positive or negative.
>>> z = -1.234>>> type(z)<class ‘float’>
Let’s do arithmetic:
>>> x = 8+8.1>>> print (x)16.1>>> print (type(x))<class ‘float’>
Some key notes:
1. numbers separated with underscore can consider a valid float as long has decimal point
>>> x = 66_77_88.3_21>>> type (x)<class ‘float’>
2. real numbersĀ with a fractional part represented by scientific notation e or E, or those floating numbers that exceeded the maximum size (1.8 * 10^308), it will be referred as “infinity” or “inf”
>>> 1.8e308inf>>> x = 1.8e308>>> print (x)inf>>> type (x)<class ‘float’>
>>> 0.4e9400000000.0>>> x = 0.4e9>>> type (x)<class ‘float’>
3. there’s a function float() to convert string into float class.
>>> x = 100>>> float (x)100.0